Give an Example of a Abstract Noun

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noun Grammar.

a noun denoting something immaterial and abstract, as rest, dread, or transportation.

a noun formed with a suffix that imparts such a meaning, as kindness.



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Origin of abstract noun

First recorded in 1350–1400

Words nearby abstract noun

abstracting service, abstraction, abstractionism, abstractionist, abstractive, abstract noun, abstract number, abstract of title, abstract space, abstract thinking, abstrict Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021


What is an abstract noun?

An abstract noun is a type of noun that represents immaterial or abstract items, that is, things that we can't actually interact with using our five senses. Abstract nouns are things like ideas, concepts, feelings, and traits.

For example, fear is an abstract noun that refers to a feeling. Although you might be able to see the thing you feel fear about, like a spider, you can't see or touch the fear itself.

Other examples of abstract nouns are justice and mercy. You can't use your senses to interact with justice and mercy, but you likely know them when they happen. Abstract nouns help us talk about complicated things.

Abstract nouns are one of the two major categories of nouns. The other one is concrete nouns, which we use for material things, such as puppy, cheese, or Peru. Some words are concrete nouns even if they're invisible or tasteless. For example, the word wind is a concrete noun because you can feel it on your skin—it's a real-world thing, as opposed to an abstract concept.

Many verbs and adjectives become abstract nouns when they're combined with a suffix that creates a noun, such as –ness or –ion. For example, loneliness comes from the adjective lonely and education comes from the verb educate.

What areabstract nouns important?

The first records of the term abstract noun come from the 1350s. It is a combination of the word noun, a term for the words we use to describe people, places, things, and ideas, and the adjective abstract, which means something that isn't physical.

Because abstract nouns represent abstract things, they are often the hardest words to define or have the most complicated meanings. You can probably describe what a tree or basketball is in one or two sentences. But trying to explain cooperation or love is much more difficult.

Did you know ... ?

Some verbs can be used as an abstract noun without adding a suffix, such as hate, exercise, and orbit.

What are real-life examples ofabstract noun s?

Abstract nouns include things like ideas, concepts, feelings, and traits. They're important in the discussion of complicated topics.

Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Curiosity is an abstract noun and a quality found in humans that is not capable of killing anyone or thing :)

— Chai (@MyNamesChai) May 10, 2016

Love is an abstract noun.

— आशु ( Ashu) (@sentientones) April 16, 2020

Quiz yourself!

Which of the following words is NOT an abstract noun?

A. peace
B. shyness
C. fish
D. time

How to use abstract noun in a sentence

  • These matters are not mere threats to abstract constitutional principles.

  • Do you think that as we get older our thoughts shift to the more abstract, the music, than the definite, the lyrics?

  • To listeners, Adnan is a real human while Jay remains an abstract figure.

  • In the mindset of the Coexist camp, those abstract beliefs have become twisted things, wrapped up with hate.

  • "There will be flashbacks to that day, but I think it will be a reasonably abstract performance," Berger said.

  • This work is now lost, and we know it only by the abstract given by Photius in the passage quoted.

  • If you are thinking of making an Abstract of a particular book, awaken the utmost interest in regard to it before you begin.

  • Any other work of which an Abstract is published will serve the student as well as the above.

  • Three things are required: To learn how to abstract; To make one, at least, such abstract; and To learn it when made.

  • He never made any attempt to learn the abstract science of war, and until stirred by danger his character seemed to slumber.

British Dictionary definitions for abstract noun


a noun that refers to an abstract concept, as for example kindness Compare concrete noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Give an Example of a Abstract Noun


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